Oramo Dermatologist

Oramo Dermatologist

Online / Offline Software

Oramo Dentist software which works offline and does not require any network for accessing.

Biometric Scanner Used

Oramo Dentist is the only software till the date which takes Biometric Consent Form (In Marathi, Hindi, English), Biometric Patient Search and Biometric login !

Mobile Application

Get easy access via mobile application. A mobile application, most commonly referred to as an app, is a type of application software designed to run on a mobile device, such as a smartphone or tablet computer

SMS Facility

We can send all types of SMS like Patient Registration SMS, Patient Appointment SMS, Patient Payment SMS,Patient Birthday SMS, Patient Appointment Reminder SMS, Lab Work SMS, Lab Payment SMS, Dealer Payment SMS, Doctor Appointment Reminder SMS, General SMS (Bulk SMS)

Smart Card Facility

Smart healthcare cards can help patients in a number of ways, all stemming from the card’s ability to authenticate a patient’s identity when the patient seeks medical care. Identifying the patient is the cornerstone of quality medical care and good health system management.

Finance View

Overall financial income,pendings and expenditure can be viewed easily.also we can take a look of it Daywise, monthwise and yearwise.

Billing, Prescription and Quotation Facility

We can provide Customised treatment bills,Prescription (with marathi, hindi & english instuction) and Quotation plan to patient.

Rolewise Access

We can assign rolewise customized access to software (Admin, Doctor, Assistant)

Single click Patient History

Treatment History with prescriptions given .Patient Paids and Pendings. .Consent forms given (Marathi,Hindi,English) . Receipts, quotation plan & Referral forms given. Treatment Images & X-rays taken.

Clinical Records

We can maintain all types of Lab Records, Material Records, Maintainance Records and Salary Records.

Easy Appointment Access

We Can easily set and reschedule appointment by just drag and drop facility with SMS service.